01782 345619 (Centre) or 07902 558061 (Bookings)
A Community Centre run by Volunteers for the Community!

Chesterton Community Centre - Staffs

Indoor Bowling

Pejic Taekwondo
Learn self-defence whilst keeping fit
Some of the Activities going on....
Here are a few more activities taking place at Chesterton Community Centre on a weekly basis.
NPDog Training & Behaviourist
We run a number of different training classes and workshops to suit all breeds, ages and abilities. From Puppy & Beginner course, Follow On, Jumping Up, Recall and Leadwork Workshops.
If you feel you'd like a bit more support, or would like sessions to fit around you
story and let your users know a little more about you.

The Peach Doctor
Legs, Bums & Tums, Groove Fit & Zumba. A perfect combination of strength/resistance training and cardio; giving you faster results and giving you more time to experience all of the mental benefits of exercise. Give yourself some quality you-time, get faster results and have a blast with us, treat yourself.

Recent Updates
At the Tip of Your Fingers

On Friday 3rd November 2023, Chesterton Community Centre held it's Annual General Meeting. Somewhat, later than 12 months from the initial start back in July 2022.
This year saw new blood enter the arena, with fresh, bold ideas and enthusiasm. An election of Chair took place as we had three nominations, something never seen before.
Following a vote Matt White (Publican of the Black Horse) was voted in as Chair. Unfortunately this meant good bye to Mike Pejic, who had been the Chair for the last seven years.
We wish Mike all the best for the future and thank him for all the hard work he put in to the centre during his time as Chair.
This year we had a new Vice-Chair, Rebekah Lewis, who is a Borough Councillor for Audley.
We also lost Ken Owen another stallwart of the centre and Carol Tunstall, residents of Chesterton. We would all like to thank them for their services and wish them best for the future.
So the new Committee is made up of the following:
Matt White - Chair
Cllr. Rebekah Lewis - Vice Chair
Cllr. Dave Grocott - Treasurer
Judith Ellis - Bookings Officer
David Scott - Secretary
Paul Ellis - Committee Member
Andrew Arnott - NBC
Jamie Wells - Coopted Member
We are also open to coop other individuals onto the Committee, if they are interested, they should contact David Scott - Secretary via this website, email or phone.

Dedicated Bookings Facility
8th July 2022
Want to book for your event, contact us on our dedicated booking number (07902 558061) or email directly to bookings.chestertoncc@hotmail.com to check availability.

Community Center’s Latest Event
January 1, 2020
Contact Us
London Road